

There has been some confusion about recent crime rates in Brentwood, as reported by some security companies and on social media. To separate fact from fiction, we met this week with LAPD and found overall, crime in our area has recently been on the decline. Yes, there was a small spike in burglaries this past Fall, but collectively, we are still one of the safest communities in Los Angeles.


Officers and detectives did point out however that lack of vigilance can aid criminals. Some people are still not using their alarms and are leaving second story windows open. In one case, a neighbor saw a ladder leading to a window and just assumed there was some construction going on next door. We need to be on the lookout and use as many deterrents as possible. In particular, LAPD recommends active alert cameras that can pick up motion in your back and side yards. Triggered alarms will generally not glean a police response but active intruders will, as we saw last year.



In the past, you may have received email alerts from us about active crime situations or unusual traffic issues. We will now start sending out those alerts via text as well, usually only about once or twice a month. If you'd like to receive those alerts, log into your account on our website and add your mobile phone to your profile. Your username is your email address. Just five easy steps:


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VA Master Plan

The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VVA) has announced the availability of the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the VA West Los Angeles Medical Center Campus (WLA) Draft master Plan for public comment. The Draft PEIS identifies, analyzes and documents the potential environmental, cultural, socioeconomic and cumulative impacts of the proposed improvements and alternatives for redevelopment as set forth in the WLA Campus Draft Master Plan. The comment period on the Draft PEIS has been extended to Wednesday, February 13, 2019.


Click Here for all the PEIS documents


If our members have any comments or questions about the Draft PEIS, please contact Kathleen Flanagan at, who is working on submitting comments on behalf of BHA. Also, the VA is hosting three public meetings to solicit comments on the Draft PEIS.


Tuesday, January 15 from 5-8 pm
Wednesday, January 16 from 8:30-11:30 am
Thursday, January 17 from 5-8 p.m.


West Los Angeles VA Campus
Building 500 (main hospital, Room 1281


Information also available here.



Our Annual Meeting will be on February 25, 2019

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Brentwood Homeowners Association | PO Box 49427 | Los Angeles, CA 90049